Health & Safety Policy Statement

Health and Safety Policy Statement



As a church we understand that we owe a duty of care to ensure the safety of those who visit or use our church or churchyard.  We also know that, where we are an employer or control premises in certain circumstances, we have to meet the requirements of health and safety law.


Our objective is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to the health of our employees, volunteers, congregation, visitors and others who may use the church, churchyard or any other building for which we are responsible.  This will be in accordance with good practice and any relevant statutory provisions where they apply.


The Parochial Church Council (PCC) accepts its overall responsibility for this objective.  We will ensure that adequate resources are made available to achieve it.  Any decisions we make will have due regard for it,recognizing that it is necessary to work within the restraints of a historic building, and the need to maintain its character in line with various regulations. 


We will keep health and safety matters under review at appropriate intervals.  We will monitor the effectiveness of arrangements, amending them where we believe necessary.  The PCC does not have any employees at the time of writing, but if any are engaged we will implement any changes required.


It is the duty of each volunteer to exercise personal responsibility for his or her own safety and that of others.  We will try to ensure that everyone involved with the church plays his or her part in implementation of safe practice.  


All people entering the church or churchyard are reminded of their responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others who use the premises, again bearing in mind the nature of a historic building.  Everyone is asked to help maintain a healthy and safe environment by reporting hazards, accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Rector or one of the Churchwardens (contact details on church notice boards, and on our website


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